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CountryAverage annual no. of pregnancies among women aged 15–49, 2015-2019Average annual no. of unintended pregnancies among women aged 15–49, 2015-2019Average annual no. of unintended pregnancies per 1,000 women aged 15–49, 2015-2019Average annual % of unintended pregnancies ending in abortion, 2015-2019Average annual no. of pregnancies per 1,000 women aged 15–49, 2015-2019Average annual no. of intended pregnancies per 1,000 women aged 15–49, 2015-2019Among women aged 15–49 who want to avoid pregnancy, % with an unmet need for modern contraception, 2019 a, b, cAmong women aged 15–19 who want to avoid pregnancy, % with an unmet need for modern contraception, 2019 a, b, cAmong urban women aged 15–49 who want to avoid pregnancy, % with an unmet need for modern contraception, 2019 a, b, cAmong rural women aged 15–49 who want to avoid pregnancy, % with an unmet need for modern contraception, 2019 a, b, cAmong women aged 15–49 in union who want to avoid pregnancy, % with an unmet need for modern contraception, 2019 a, b, cAmong women aged 15–49 formerly in union who want to avoid pregnancy, % with an unmet need for modern contraception, 2019 a, b, cAmong women aged 15–49 never in union who want to avoid pregnancy, % with an unmet need for modern contraception, 2019 a, b, cAmong women aged 15–49 in the poorest wealth quintile who want to avoid pregnancy, % with an unmet need for modern contraception, 2019 a, b, cAmong women aged 15–49 in the richest wealth quintile who want to avoid pregnancy, % with an unmet need for modern contraception, 2019 a, b, c
Myanmar1,500,000 530,000 35 74 102 66 23 25 20 24 23 24 30 28 21
Malaysiau u u u u u 45 50 47 43 45 17 38 41 49
Japan1,400,000 550,000 21 30 53 31 u u u u u u u u u
Indonesia7,900,000 2,800,000 40 63 112 72 19 25 23 16 19 10 32 18 22
Philippines3,800,000 1,900,000 71 51 138 68 43 51 45 41 42 29 67 40 49
Thailand1,300,000 680,000 38 64 76 37 9 22 10 8 9 6 50 8 13
Viet Nam3,700,000 2,200,000 86 75 145 60 21 36 23 20 21 23 46 17 22
Lao People's Democratic Republic270,000 94,000 51 68 147 96 27 43 34 24 26 32 67 30 35
SourcesSources: 3Sources: 3Sources: 3Sources: 3Sources: 3Sources: 3Sources: 1, 2Sources: 1, 2Sources: 1, 2Sources: 1, 2Sources: 1, 2Sources: 1, 2Sources: 1, 2Sources: 1, 2Sources: 1, 2


  1. Women who want to avoid a pregnancy are considered to be in need of contraception. They are women who are married or who are unmarried and sexually active, who are able to become pregnant and who do not want a child in the next two years; women who are pregnant and identify their pregnancy as unintended; and women experiencing postpartum amenorrhea after an unintended pregnancy.
  2. Women are defined as having an unmet need for modern contraception if they want to avoid a pregnancy but are currently using a traditional contraceptive method or are using no method. Women are defined as having a met need if they are using any modern method of contraception.   
  3. Modern methods of contraception are female and male sterilization, implants, IUDs, hormonal pills, injectables, male and female condoms, emergency contraceptive pills, patches, rings, diaphragms, vaginal spermicides, other supply methods, lactational amenorrhea method (which involves exclusive breastfeeding for up to six month postpartum), Standard Days Method and TwoDay Method.
  4. u = unavailable
  5. n/a = not applicable


  1. Sully EA et al., Adding It Up: Investing in Sexual and Reproductive Health 2019, New York: Guttmacher Institute, 2020,
  2. Sully EA et al., Adding It Up all women dataset, Open Science Framework, 2021,
  3. Bearak J et al., Country-specific estimates of unintended pregnancy and abortion incidence: a global comparative analysis of levels in 2015–2019, BMJ Global Health, 2022, 7(3),